kaiun new fortune

国産無垢樽氷温熟成ヴィンテージ KAIUN New Fortune
国産無垢樽氷温熟成ヴィンテージ KAIUN New Fortune



KAIUN New Fortune
MIZUNARA -水楢- Vintage
Aging in Japanese oak cask

世界的に注目されるジャパニーズオーク樽で 長期熟成酒の新たな可能性を紡ぎます

Made in Japanese oak casks, which have gained global attention, MIZUNARA Vintage sake opens up new possibilities for long-aged sake with its enchanting aroma reminiscent of sandalwood and aloeswood.


KAIUN New Fortune
SAKURA -桜- Vintage
Aging in cherry wood cask

爽やかな甘い香りがほんのりと漂う桜は 世界の人々から愛される日本を代表する花樹

SAKURA Vintage sake, aged in domestically produced, solid cherry wood casks, exudes a refreshing, sweet fragrance that subtly permeates the air. The cherry wood comes from a flowering tree that symbolizes Japan and is cherished worldwide.


KAIUN New Fortune
KURI -栗- Vintage
Aging in chestnut cask

五千年前から栽培されている栗は 日本人にとって最も身近な果樹のひとつ

Chestnuts have been cultivated for over 5,000 years and are one of the most familiar fruit trees for Japanese people. The KURI Vintage aged sake has a gentle, sweet aroma from chestnut wood casks.



A bold challenge in the 150th year since our establishment
Presenting the “KAIUN New Fortune” vintage sake collection, aged at a controlled freezing point in new Japanese solid wood casks

We have crafted three new casks using domestically produced solid woods: Japanese oak, cherry blossom, and chestnut, and worked on brewing aged sake. The sake selected for aging was placed in these casks and stored in a controlled freezing point warehouse. Each cask imparts a unique flavor and aroma to the sake, resulting in a KAIUN with distinct tastes and aromas. We welcome you to enjoy this unique offering commemorating our 150 years of brewing expertise.

代表取締役 土井弥市
代表取締役 土井弥市